I’ve noticed a bunion is forming; what should I do?

Posted 21 Sep '22

I’ve noticed a bunion is forming; what should I do?

Bunions form gradually; most people do not notice the first signs, they think the first lump is just a tough callus, but it will continue to grow. Its usually not something you’ve done; it’s an inherited condition. People with flat feet, flexible joints, Rheumatoid arthritis and gout are more likely to develop a bunion. It isn’t thought that poorly fitting footwear causes bunions, but it will worsen the symptoms. Some people only have a bunion on one foot; for other people, they will be on both.


So what should you do?

The unfortunate news about bunions is that only surgery can physically remove them (although it’s not guaranteed to last). There are surgeons across the country who specialise in bunion procedures. Surgery isn’t an appropriate option for everyone due to medical conditions, recovery time and the possibility of it reforming, which is why podiatrists offer bunion treatments. 


Book an appointment when you get to see the lump (book a podiatrist appointment every time you find something concerning on your feet). We have many ways to treat the problems caused by a bunion, there are treatments we can try to slow the formation down, and we can advise on ways to improve the comfort of your footwear. 


But what is a bunion? 

A bunion is a lump on the side of your foot at the base of your big toe. When the metatarsophalangeal joint becomes unstable, the toe will start to bend towards your other toes. There isn’t a new growth; the lump is just the knuckle of your phalange bone. The medical term for a bunion is Hallux Valgus.


Problems caused by a bunion

  • Red, inflamed, sore lump
  • Thick, callused skin on the lump
  • The big toe turning inwards 
  • Difficulty moving the big toe
  • Pain, some people have persistent pain, and others experience intermittent pain.
  • Problems finding shoes that fit
  • Rubbing in between toes


To begin with, bunions rarely cause problems, but as they develop, you’ll experience many of the issues listed above. In addition, bunions develop at different rates, so it may take years before you feel any pain. We assess and advise patients every week on the best ways to live with bunions and recommend ways to lessen the impacts. 

A few of our top tips are

  • Silicone spacers in between toes to reduce the rubbing
  • Bunion pads will decrease the friction and, therefore, the sore skin.
  • Having a good skincare routine for your feet
  • Ways to modify footwear to allow room for the bunion 
  • Painkillers
  • Buying shoes that are designed with space for a bunion

We understand the frustration of bunions; it’s so upsetting to have to adapt to conditions you have no control over. Something that starts as a small lump can seriously impact your movement and quality of life. Don’t just ignore it, be proactive about your foot health.

Book your appointment with us. 


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