Laser your fungal nails away

Posted 22 Jan '20

Laser your fungal nails away

Booked a holiday? You’ve just put the date in your diary and realise you have 20 weeks before you jet off to the beach but you have a nagging worry in your head about your fungal toenails.

Brilliant, you are now in the perfect situation to finally sort that foot worry that has probably annoyed you for a long time. Call us today and have gorgeous toes ready for your dream holiday. We recommend treating fungal nail infections with a combination of our two lasers, the s30 Podylas and the Lunula “cold” laser. Over the past 10 years of using both lasers, we have seen truly fantastic results.  Our lasers have an 85- 90% success rate! They are so great they were featured on This Morning with Doctor Chris Steele, scroll to the bottom of this page to see a really young Phil and Holly.

Now for the science, the lasers kill the fungus that lives in and under the nail, the laser light and heat pass through the nail without causing damage to the nail itself or the surrounding skin. This increase in the temperature causes the destruction of the fungal hyphae, thus preventing their reproduction. Brilliant! If you would like to read more about our laser- click here.

As the patient you need to visit our clinic for a diagnosis appointment and then a series of 4 treatment appointments which need to be about 2 weeks apart. Each treatment appointment is 30 minutes long, you do not need to prepare in any way and you can continue your day as usual afterwards.  During the treatment the majority of people do not feel anything, some have said they feel a slight warming sensation.  You can just sit, relax and enjoy a coffee whilst we fix your toenails. We will also explain how and why you developed fungal nail and what you can do to reduce the risk of it returning. We are the only clinic in London able to treat fungal nails in this way, perfect if you don’t want to spend the next 6 months having to remember to use creams and lotions that only have a small chance of riding you of this frustrating fungus. We easily and painlessly sort out your fungal nail so that you can focus on what to pack for your trip.

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