

Never let foot pain stop you walking. We all need to walk every day, around the house, to work and for exercise, enjoy walking around London for Walk This May.

Wedding day footwear advice from a London Podiatrist. Dance all nights as the bride, groom or guest as a wedding with our foot pain or blisters

Over the counter remedies rarely work on stubborn verrucas, we have Falknor's needling and Swift Microwave Therapy to rid them quickly and painlessly. 

Badly fitting shoes will cause painful foot conditions such as, blisters, calluses, ingrown toenails, bunions, hammertoes and even back pain. 

Follow our professional advice to freshen up your feet this Spring, if you are worried about anything, book an appointment. 

Here are a few simple exercises you can do, even whilst working at your desk, to build up your foot and ankle strength and mobility.

Lots of our clients are in training for races, 5k, 10k and marathons. Your feet bear the brunt of all the miles you run so it is vital to look after them if you plan on completing the race. Here are a list of tips to help you make some great kit choices, stay healthy […]

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Understanding Fungal Nails and the Role of Emtrix Treatment

Emtrix is a topical treatment for nails affected by fungal nail from Flawless Feet Podiatry and laser clinic in London 

Introducing Callen Olive

Flawless Feet are now stocking and using Callen Olive luxury lotion, serum, balm and oil, to treat your feet and legs. 

Fungal Fingernail Infections

10 percent of the adult population battles fungal nail infections at any given time, they can be treated with laser treatment at Flawless Feet